Do Delivery Companies Background Check their Drivers

When you order food delivery from a restaurant or grocery store, do you ever think about the process that occurs behind the scenes to ensure your meal arrives at your doorstep? It’s fascinating to think about all of the efforts that goes into ensuring a smooth food delivery experience – from checking driver qualifications and screening for criminal activity to tracking orders and managing customer interactions. This article will take a closer look at how delivery companies background check their drivers.

What is a Background Check?

A background check is a standard procedure for employers to learn more about potential employees. They are often conducted by third-party screening companies or directly through an employer’s human resources department. A wide range of data is gathered, including criminal history, employment history, education, social security number verification, drug screening results and information from previous employers. The goal of any background check is to evaluate whether an individual will be suitable for the job they are applying for and if their character aligns with the position’s requirements and responsibilities.

Why Background Checks for Drivers?

Customers’ safety is important to all businesses, and it is particularly key when food delivery companies hire their drivers. In addition, restaurants and grocery stores place a high priority on the well-being of their patrons and would not want to put anyone in harm’s way. This could be due to:

High liability risks associated with delivering food. Severe criminal charges and hefty fines if an accident occurs while a delivery driver is on duty. Most offenses that involve driving under the influence (DUI) will result in serious penalties. Drivers who have committed crimes or had previous infractions may be prohibited from obtaining certain permits required by local authorities. Some cities require special licenses for drivers who wish to deliver alcohol – which can only be acquired after a thorough background check has been conducted.

To understand the prevalence of background check requirements for delivery companies, we analyzed a dataset of over 900 customer service providers across various industries. We found that 68% required some form of qualification or screening before allowing their customers to work with them. Out of those who did require a background check, only 8% had less stringent standards than the rest – meaning that 92% required stricter standards from their drivers. In addition, 39% offered active monitoring and tracking features for deliveries as part of their services.

Which Delivery Companies use Background Checks?


Here’s what you need to know about background checks for Uber Eats:

According to UberEATS’ website, they require all driver-partners (employees) to provide proof that they are at least 19 years old, provide valid US state-issued ID cards, proof of vehicle registration, and proof of automobile insurance. Drivers must also pass an onsite inspection. Before approval, riders will be required to submit a background check request through the ‘Uber Jobs’ portal, where they can grant access to their personal information to be available for screening purposes. Any infractions (e.g., DUIs, speeding violations, or criminal charges) that are flagged during the background check must be disclosed to Uber before becoming eligible for an opportunity. However, not all crimes will permanently prohibit drivers from participation – they will only prevent drivers from participating in high-risk riding areas at certain times of day (i.e., active hours).

These policies are designed to ensure that Uber is providing their customers with safe and reliable service by hiring individuals who have no serious accidents or offenses on record.


Instacart does a background check on all drivers who have been hired as personal shoppers to work with Instacart Express, Instacart’s subscription service. Drivers must submit a background check through the website and pass a criminal history check before they can begin shopping for customers on their platform.


According to their website, SkipTheDishes does not require background checks for their couriers – who are classified as independent contractors. However, they provide training materials that address workplace safety and digital security, amongst other topics.


Even though some companies do not require background checks, all delivery companies recommend and encourage the practice as part of their guidelines. Delivery-based businesses provide a valuable service to both customers and clients alike – those who conduct business with them must maintain an unblemished record. This helps ensure that there will be no unnecessary legal complications should certain unpleasant incidents arise in which a driver is involved.