In the digital age, identity theft is a growing concern. Thanks to advancements in technology, it’s easier for threat actors to steal someone’s personal information and use it for fraudulent purposes.

Identity theft can have serious consequences. Victims can take years to recover mentally and financially.

One of the most significant impacts of the crime is on a person’s credit score.

So, what is a credit score?

In layman’s terms, a credit score is a numerical representation of a person’s creditworthiness. The score is based on information sourced from credit bureaus.

How Identity Theft Can Damage Your Credit Score

Someone with access to your personal information can engage in different actions that hurt your credit score. For example, they could start applying for multiple loans and credit cards in your name that result in hard and soft credit checks.

While soft credit checks usually don’t impact your credit score, multiple hard credit checks can tank your credit.

In addition, a thief can use your confidential data to open lines of credit in your name, accumulate debt, and fail to make payments. These actions can result in negative marks on your credit report, such as late payments, delinquencies, and even bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, the negative marks can stay on your credit report for years, making it difficult to obtain credit or loans in the future.

Signs of Identity Theft and Credit Score Impact

  1. Unexpected credit card charges.
  2. Unexplained withdrawals from your bank account.
  3. Calls from debt collectors for unknown debt.
  4. Credit card statements for new credit cards.
  5. Loan approval letters for accounts you did not open.
  6. Other red flags on your credit report.

Protecting Your Credit Score

Mitigating the risk of identity theft requires a holistic approach.

Safeguard Your Sensitive Information

Thieves want access to your sensitive information, including your:

  • Social security number
  • Date of birth
  • Bank account details
  • Credit card information
  • Name
  • Addresses
  • Phone number

To protect your information, only share confidential data with people you trust. It’s also a good idea to practice good cybersecurity hygiene. This means installing anti-malware software, avoiding phishing websites and emails, and using strong passwords.

Monitor Your Statements

Keep an eye on your bank account and credit card statements. You can also activate alerts so that your financial institutions inform you of any threats to your security. Please also check your credit reports periodically for suspicious activity.

Steps to Take if You Become a Victim of Identity Theft

You must act quickly to protect your credit if you have become the victim of identity theft. The first step is to report the theft to the appropriate authorities, such as the police and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They can provide guidance on the necessary steps to take and help you file a report.

Next, contact your financial institutions and credit bureaus to inform them of the identity theft. They can freeze your accounts, investigate the fraudulent activity, and work towards resolving the issues.

Taking charge of your credit score and defending against identity theft is all about securing your financial health and keeping your credit profile in top shape.