Running a business can be a challenge. Often, business owners must keep track of multiple departments and transactions throughout the workday. As the business expands, the complications grow exponentially. To manage all the inner workings of a business, the right software is necessary to ensure nothing is missing.

Software Options

Many companies choose to utilize software to keep all their business parts managed. These programs can assist in the various departments of business, such as finance, manufacturing, HR, etc. The two biggest programs available to assist businesses are SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA. Business owners can find this comparison report beneficial when deciding on the best product for their company.

When considering the options, business owners must determine which parts of their business need monitoring as well as the departments that would benefit the most from the software. It also helps to know the skill level of the staff and how easy or complicated it may be to transition to a new program.

The cost of the program can also be a major factor when determining the best software. Although a small business may benefit from the help, it may not always be practical. Business expansion is also an important aspect of the decision. These programs offer various levels of assistance to help with such an endeavor.


The SAP ERP is a program to help businesses maintain various company processes. The ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It offers a single system for finance, manufacturing, HR, supply chain, and other departments to manage their activities.

Businesses can utilize the parts of the program they need for their particular operations. For example, a business can use SAP ERP for its finance department but forgo using it for its HR department. The program can also be run on the business’s preferred platform, such as Windows.

The SAP ERP can be implement slowly throughout the company to provide employees an opportunity to become adjust to the program and learn its basic process. The SAP ERP also provides live online training and tutorials with a knowledge base and online support to help with problems.


The SAP S/4HANA is also a program to help businesses maintain their various process, but it is marketed as a complete database to manage all of a company’s processes in real time. Creating new methods for storing data allows the system to access this information faster to offer quicker analytics and compute the business’s information to be accessed nearly immediately.

This program utilizes AI technology and the Cloud to keep the processes running smoothly and safely. These options allow an easier restoration in case of issues and can reduce the difficulties faced by a company’s IT department.

Due to the platform’s massive capabilities, it requires an OS that can manage these processes. Only certain operating systems, such as RedHat Linux, are recommended for the SAP HANA database to properly run this program.

Since businesses benefit most when they utilize the entire database, it may take some time to train the entirety of the employees. However, once complete, each additional program or update will be easily accepting. The company offers webinars, documentation, and in-person or live online assistance for training employees to use the program. There is also a live chat and live representatives 24 hours a day to provide support.

Which Option is Better?

The right choice is very dependent on the needs of the business. Both offer comprehensive solutions, features, and capabilities that streamline a business’s functions. Both products have received high ratings for their functionality.

Fortunately, businesses can easily learn about each program by utilizing the free trial options. This trial allows a business owner or their IT personnel to explore the programs firsthand to determine how they work and how they will benefit the business. Once the trial is complete, businesses can receive a free quote for the full package of software for their business.