Instagram Followers

Having a lot of Instagram followers is cool. But does it do you any good? This article will be looking over some methods to spice up your engagement rates on Instagram. You might be familiar with some of these already.

It has been a while since Instagram unequivocally claimed the throne of the most popular social media site. Nowadays, it is not just a social media site anymore. A large number of people use Instagram for business purposes, which has also led to an increase in buying Instagram followers to improve reach and user engagement.

Social media fashion influencers, models, clothing brands, and many other business owners market and sell stuff on Instagram. Therefore, they tend to increase their followers for better marketing.

What do followers mean for a business on Instagram?

On Instagram, every business owner sees their followers as potential customers; they have to. This is a great marketing strategy since these people are already following your brand and products. Thus, it becomes significantly easier to market your products to someone who is already in your shop.

The goal every successful business marketer has is to increase their follower base. Because more followers mean more business possibilities, although that is not the end of the story, there is a clear-cut difference between followers and active followers. Let’s talk about that.

What is engagement rate, and why is it important?

Engagement rate is simply the number of people interacting with your posts. If you are using Instagram to pursue business opportunities, you may already have a professional account where you can see the statistics of your account. The statistics will help you understand the engagement rate and reach of your account.

Higher engagement rates mean more people are interacting with your posts, which means likes, comments, and shares. Your account will start to grow exponentially. This will have a very positive effect on your marketing.

Poor engagement rates lead to a lower reach of your account’s posts. Remember, the goal is to reach more people and them into your followers. Eventually, turning those followers into customers.

Problems with engagement rates

If you bought Instagram followers, you might be a victim of poor engagement rates on your posts. We are here to fix that. Although, that is not the only reason for poor engagement rates. Sometimes, you would do everything right but still face lousy engagement.

We will focus on giving you tips on increasing your engagement rates if you have a lot of new followers. You would want to keep these followers and make your account an active marketplace.

Tips on fixing engagement rates

These tips are general. However, you can easily follow them and see measurable results in no time.

We have kept our focus on accounts with new followers, such as;

  • New brands
  • Funds that bought new followers
  • A side quest of an already popular account
  • A business account of a celebrity/influencer

Congratulations, you have gained a good following which is the first step of efficient marketing on Instagram. We look forward to helping you with our tips to get a better engagement out of that following.

1. Post Consistently

If you have gotten many followers recently, it is essential to express your brand to them. This first step may sound basic, but it does the job. The tricky part is that people post less to get better engagement on individual posts. However, in the beginning, you want to show up more in your followers’ timelines. This will automatically get better engagement results since they will be more interested in what you offer. We suggest that at least two to three posts per day at peak hours is the best way to go. This ensures that your followers will see your posts on their wall whenever they choose to check their Instagram. It will make your account/brand more relevant to them because it will lie in their hindsight.

2. Staying true to your brand’s theme

Another way to ensure user engagement is to post content that has a consistent theme pattern to it. Your users should be able to identify your post by just looking at it. If they see your brand products, stores, ads, or your Instagram account post anywhere, it should have the same basic style. What it does is that it builds a persona of your brand in your followers’ mindset. Hence, you will see higher engagement rates because your followers will identify your posts wherever they see them. You can also do this by adding a logo or watermark.

3. Stay relevant and follow trends

Instagram users follow trending hashtags to get featured on hashtag pages. This activity increases their account’s reach. People are interested in new directions, and you have to go with the flow. If your users find your content irrelevant to what is happening in the market, your engagement rates will fall.

4. Collaborate with famous accounts

Accounts with a large number of followers and a verification badge can help your budget. You have to seek out funds from Instagram influencers and do collaborations with them. You can either find someone who agrees to a paid or non-paid partnership. You can notice a massive difference in your posts which are tagged with a famous account. As a result, this will uplift your account’s engagement as well.

5. Quality content

User engagement depends on consistency. Consistency not only in terms of your posting intervals but also in terms of quality.  A large number of people appreciate high-quality photos and videos. Hence, it would help to post good pictures or hire a professional to manage your account.

6. Use reels

We all know that Tiktok has been dominating the social media scene since its release. The 30-sec video format combined with the swipe-up feature has been unstoppable. Instagram offers its “reels” feature, allowing users to watch and post videos based on the same design. Even if a single video of yours does well on trending, your account’s reach will go sky-high.


Having a good following is not good enough for business. User engagement is the key to successful marketing on Instagram. If you want to make sure that your followers linger around after launching a new brand account, make sure to implement our steps and increase your account’s engagement rates.