Top 5 Innovative Projects – Elon Musk is the new hero of our time, who is not waiting for the future, but actively creating it himself, while changing everything from the high technology world to fashion and online entertainment, where clearly stands out. Earning billions of dollars, he invests in bold and innovative projects that promise to recreate the incredible technology of the future in the present. What projects enabled the self-taught genius to dictate his terms to the market?

Elon Musk’s projects changed the world!

Top 5 Innovative Projects –

– PayPal

It’s now that we do most of our shopping online. Before 1998, no one had even heard of such a luxury. Yes, there was already an eCash system that laid out the basic principles of electronic payments. But a group of students led by Elon Musk decided to create an even more perfect version – Subsequently, the platform merged with competitor Confinity and renamed PayPal, a major electronic payment system with which eBay began working closely.

Today, people in 190 countries around the world send money through PayPal, and the system uses 25 world currencies. Alas, internal squabbles forced Elon Musk to sell his 12% stake and step down from running the company in 2000. The good news is that he is investing the proceeds in three even more daring projects. Which are?

– SpaceX

What would happen to humanity if Earth became uninhabitable? Why not colonize other planets in the solar system to protect our gene pool? Pondering these questions, Elon Musk decided in 2002 to create the first private company to build spaceships to conquer Mars. Until 2016, the entrepreneur and his team were working on the creation of launch vehicles that would allow the repeated use of the first stage, making launches much cheaper. After a series of failed attempts, they succeed!

The Falcon-9 rocket makes 17 launches, successfully returning to Earth. As for the spacecraft, SpaceX manages to create a monster – the Dragon, which has already delivered more than 3 tons of cargo to the ISS and took back from orbit another 2.5 tons. In the future, on board the “space truck” want to place as many as 7 astronauts. Against the “Soyuz”, which holds only three). Active tests of the giant stymied by the high cost of launch. It requires hundreds of millions of dollars and super-heavy launch vehicles.

– Tesla

Elon was not the founder of this company. However, as the largest investor, he quickly joined the Tesla board of directors, gained wide public interest in the project, improved the design of sports cars, and became the most recognizable face of the company.

An improved version of the electric car is the Model S. It was developed in 2013 under Musk’s keen guidance and has eclipsed Mercedes in popularity, becoming the best-selling luxury car in Europe and America. You bet! Easy to drive, this baby combined high comfort and “green technology.” It is able to accelerate to 100 km/h in 3 seconds. The battery has enough power for about 450 km.

– SolarCity

This energy company is a subsidiary of Tesla. It is run by Elon Musk’s cousin, who decided to go into the solar energy business under the patronage of the maître d’. In the short time of its existence, SolarCity managed to become the second most powerful solar panel manufacturer in America. In addition, the firm works on battery refills for Tesla electric cars.

But SolarCity’s main achievement is the development of the Powerwall. It is a state-of-the-art energy storage device capable of providing autonomous nighttime electricity for a room. And although the device weighs almost 100 kg, it looks neat and is able to cover all home electricity needs.

– Hyperloop

Top 5 Innovative Projects –

The idea of creating a high-speed vacuum train came to Musk’s mind at the very moment when he got stuck in traffic. The genius entrepreneur wondered if there was any way to avoid such a colossal loss of time. And he tweeted that he was ready to dig an underground tunnel from San Francisco to Los Angeles, just to avoid being stuck in traffic. Talking didn’t end there. Very quickly Musk creates The Boring Company and puts ideas into practice. At first, his team designs elevator tunnels for cars, but soon they concentrate on passenger transportation with unmanned vacuum trains – Hyperloop.

Scientists are developing a theory about vacuum tubes and magnets that will allow the training capsule to accelerate up to 1000 km/hour. The calculations hook Musk, the construction of light-speed tunnels is coordinated with the higher authorities, and the company gets the green light. The high cost of the project, nearly 70 billion dollars, prevents its realization. However, sponsors do not doze off, and the best engineers already offer their services.

These were the most interesting projects of Elon Musk, who in 2017 took 12th place in the Forbes ranking of technology billionaires with a sum of 20 billion dollars. Musk himself does not plan to stop there. He is already working on the development of an innovative spacesuit to conquer Mars. The billionaire investor has a lot of ideas, which, we are sure, will soon be talked about by the whole world.