Why Do Recipients Keep Promotional Products

The latest polls are in—ads are maddening. Recent surveys show that the general public has developed quite a dislike for advertising. Over 74% of users report that there are too many ads, that they’re too aggressive and too intrusive. Consequently, people are doing everything they can to avoid them.

Another survey showed that since 2002 over 47% of users worldwide have been using AdBlock to filter out pesky social media advertisements. In the UK, the number is a whopping 35.2%. While this avoidance of internet pop-ups gives users peace of mind, it’s a big problem for companies looking to raise brand awareness. Namely, how do they let potential customers know about their products without becoming too pushy?

For many, the answer is simple—go back to doing things old school. In the era of cellphones and pop-ups, many companies have taken to doing promotional giveaways to stand out in an oversaturated market. The strategy may seem outdated, but the numbers show that it’s still as effective as ever.

But why is this the case? Why are promotional products better for brand awareness than regular ads? Moreover, why do recipients keep promotional products? Keep reading to find out everything about this simple yet powerful marketing strategy.

Promotional Giveaways vs. Ads: Which is Better?

On the surface, social media ads look impressive. They can be creative, colourful, and flashy—three things that can effectively capture one’s attention. However, they don’t offer much beyond aesthetics.

Traditional ads hold the viewer’s interest only as long as they last. The moment they end, users are likely to forget them. So unless the ad contains a very memorable slogan or jingle, there is a very small chance customers will remember the brand, or think about it in their day-to-day life.

This time constraint is exactly why companies are so aggressive when it comes to pushing their ads. However, their efforts severely backfired, since seeing an ad constantly doesn’t make customers more interested in the brand. They actually end up more annoyed by it, because it intrudes on their activities.

In contrast, promotional giveaways are more low-key. They avoid the biggest pitfalls of traditional ads
by being a seasonal thing. According to GoPromotional in UK, customers are usually the ones who
approach companies at fairs or tradeshows to receive the product, they are the ones choosing to
engage with a brand. When it comes to marketing, customer agency is essential.

Then there are the products themselves. It is a universally acknowledged fact that everyone loves receiving free things. Plus, unlike digital ads, promotional products actually serve a purpose. Customers are therefore more likely to keep them and use them on a daily basis. This, in turn, ensures that they’ll get to see the brand logo for years after the campaign officially ends.

Top 5 Reasons People Keep Promotional Products

So, utility is a big reason why consumers save any promo products they receive. However, it’s not the only one. There are five common factors that play into why people keep the promotional products they receive.

1. They’re Good Quality

Quality matters, not just for promotional products but all products in general. When people pay for something, they want that product to last them a long time. That way, they know they’ve invested their money wisely and given it to a brand that was truly the cream of the crop.

This is why it’s important for companies to hand out good-quality promo products. Not only will that ensure that the customers will keep them, but it will also give them an image boost. A good promotional product translates to a trustworthy brand any customer would be happy to do repeat business with.

2. They Represent a Cause They Believe in

A very underrated aspect of a proper promotional product is its moral value. According to Gareth Parkin at GoPromotional, “People want to feel good about the purchases they make. Subsequently, they’re far more likely to go for products that align with their moral compass—even if the product is more expensive.”

Therefore, companies should always make sure their promo products support a good cause. If a product is ethical, then users are more likely to keep it. Not only that, but they’re more likely to show it off to others and spread the good word about the brand’s good values.

3. The Products are Functional

Gimmicks and aesthetics aside, there is one thing customers always want out of their promotional products—and that is functionality. If an item is largely useless, or if the recipient can’t use it on a day-to-day basis, then they will likely throw it away.

So while a niche or flashy branded item might seem like a good way to stand out, companies should always prioritize functionality. As the saying goes, a porcelain figurine is lovely to look at, but there’s not much else to it. And at the end of the day, usefulness always trumps looks, especially when it’s spring-cleaning time, and people need to choose what they’re going to toss in the bin.

4. The Customers Are Loyal to the Brand

Brand loyalty doesn’t frequently come up as a reason why customers keep promotional products. But it’s absolutely a factor. Businesses like Harley Davidson, Rolls Royce, Nike, and Apple all have a dedicated following that will treasure anything these companies put out. This applies even to cases where the products are mediocre at best.

So even if a company is just starting out, they should make sure they foster brand loyalty in their customers. This will guarantee them repeat business for years, or even decades to come!

5. The Branded Items are Stylish, or Aesthetically Appealing

Appearances may not be everything, but they certainly matter. No customer will want to keep a promotional T-Shirt if they find it ugly or unflattering. Consequently, companies should make sure their promotional products look as good as possible with some custom designs.

This could involve adding a company logo, slogan, or other witty lines to the product. Or it could be ordering a set of customizable promotional products. Getting branded merch from such a trusted source ensures that companies will get a product that is affordable, visually stunning, and high-quality.

To Sum Up

To recap, why do customers keep promotional products? Because they like them! But beyond personal preferences, other factors also play into a promotional product’s staying power. Things such as design, functionality, quality, brand loyalty all contribute to a customer’s decision to keep a product around.

These factors also play a key role in determining how customers will perceive the brand, and if they will do business with them again in the future.