Ethical investing is an investment strategy whereby investors choose to invest according to their moral, social, and religious values. However, the definition of ethical investing is primarily subjective because different people have different ethical values.

However, one rule cuts through all religious and cultural beliefs, the golden rule, which simply states that we should do to other people as we expect them to do to us. Therefore, the golden rule can guide all ethical investors irrespective of their moral principles.

The concept of ethical investing is becoming an essential topic of discussion among many investors due to many suspicious and illegal investments that are coming up with a primary goal of reaping high returns and not minding about the consequences of the practices.

Why Investors Need to Understand Ethical Investing

It helps to Create Ethical Investment Portfolio

According to the definition of ethical investing, ethical investors generally try to align their personal beliefs with investment choices. Therefore, a deep understanding of it will help you to establish a starting point when developing an ethical investment strategy. This is because you already understand what ethical investing entails and the different types of ethical investments.

Enables Investors to Quantify Their Portfolio’s Impact

The definition of investing gives investors a deep understanding of the importance of ethical issues in business; therefore, investors can determine the impact of each of the individual companies they have included in their investment portfolio.

This means you use your capital better to support companies that mainly help society and leave out those that only benefit the contributor. Also, by deeply understanding the definition of ethical investing. You are more informed in developing investment strategies that back specific critical causes.

You Can Compare Various Ethical Issues

As we have seen earlier, the definition of ethical investing is different for all people. As other people have varying moral codes. Of course, there are both positive and negative consequences of basing on a particular ethical issue.

For instance, take the example of investors worried about greenhouse gas emissions and choosing not to invest their money in companies that generate emissions. In this case, we all know the adverse effects of emissions on climate, and it is a good thing to fight climate change.

However, we need to consider the number of people who will lose their jobs when all fossil fuel companies and related companies close; the social and economic crisis will arise due to the loss of income. However, we can use a quantitative approach to determine the impact of each company on humankind.

Also, a deep understanding of ethical investing will enable you to compare the impact of each ethical consideration and determine which moral issue you need to address in your investment portfolio.


The concept of ethics is a subjective topic. As different people hold different definitions of what they consider ethical or unethical. And the same thing applies to ethical investing. However, the golden rule gives a clear vision of what is morally acceptable. And the rule can be used to guide investors when making their investment choices.

Investors need to understand the definition of it because the concept will help them when creating investment portfolios, quantifying the impact of the portfolio, and also when comparing different moral issues.