Facebook’s dark mode is now available in the iOS and Android app

Facebook Dark Mode –

Facebook has been working in the dark way of its social network for many months; since March, it began implementing its web version, but the application for smartphones took longer than necessary.

We recently told you that it has already started its public test, and we can confirm that it is already available in Mexico.

To access Dark Mode, all you need is to update the Facebook application, go to Settings and privacy in the Menu tab, and the Dark Mode option will appear.

Upon entering, we will have the possibility to activate, deactivate or adjust to the system configuration.

We find the option available in all the tests we carry out with different iOS and Android devices.

We remember that these types of updates passed out in stages, and it is likely that some users still do not have the option.

The Dark Mode is intentional to be a more pleasing design for the eyes in low light conditions and smartphones with an OLED screen.

It mentions that it could have an extra saving on the battery since this type of screen LEDs not lit with black colour.

Facebook has achieved great consistency between all the application elements once the dark mode is activated automatically (linked to the system) and manually.

The interface backgrounds go from white to dark grey, the icons contrast in colour, and the buttons appear lighter grey to be as easy to see as they are to press.

The mobile app is consistent with the dark desktop version.

Well hidden interface without reaching the black background

Facebook has achieved great consistency between all the application elements once the dark mode is activated automatically (linked to the system) and manually. The interface backgrounds go from white to dark grey, the icons contrast in colour, and the buttons appear lighter grey to be as easy to see as they are to press.

The mobile app is consistent with the dark desktop version. The arrival of dark mode to the Facebook app is already spreading to all users.

To activate the darkening, you must do the following:

  • Open the Facebook app on your Android.
  • Go to the app settings, the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner.
  • Scroll down to ‘ Settings and privacy. ‘
  • Enter ‘Dark mode’ and choose the configuration you want: activated if you’re going to have it always on or ‘ Use system settings ‘ if you wish to Facebook’s dark mode to adapt to the changes you make in your phone settings.

. As we said, Facebook’s dark mode is finally reaching widely to those who use its application. We have it active in the latest beta version: you can sign up through this link.

If it does not appear to you, you have no choice but to wait, indeed not too long.

How to activate Facebook dark mode on Android?

Facebook is one of the most-used apps on a smartphone. Its multiple functionalities as a social network or as a platform to view content make it place in the top positions of the apps with the most screen consumption.

It results in higher battery consumption and more excellent wear and tears on our eyesight, but we can activate the dark mode on Facebook to remedy this.

Thanks to this change, we allow giving a truce both to the battery of our terminal and our eyes’ health.

Dark colours offer these types of advantages instead of lighter and brighter tones, which require more light and intensity from the screen.

Also, there is not only one method, not two but three ways to activate that dark mode.

Use the Facebook Lite app

The company launched a more limited version of functionalities, seeking a more extraordinary lightness in its size and more fluidity.

Facebook has frequently criticized the large data load that mobiles must perform in the standard version.